Someone News: Design, Events, Fine Press

Recent Work

Alongside our commercial work, Someone maintains a letterpress and type collection, collected over 35 years.

We design, print and bind fine press books and ephemera with the participation of an authentic master printer and several well-seasoned apprentices. While the process is exacting and demanding, our fine print group is eager to publish and produce print collectibles, employing our museum-grade collection of lead and wood type and our secret stash of local and imported fine papers and archival leather.

And at Someone, because we’re designers, we continuously explore the possibilities of merging old and new technologies to produce ‘original’ graphic products.


Bimal & Natasha's Wedding Invitations

" went the extra mile make sure the project was done perfectly and we can't recommend their work enough if you have any printing needs of your own. As the invitations are making their way to your doorsteps, we certainly hope you love them as much as we do."

-Bimal & Natasha

Someone recently produced a beautiful and elaborate, 13 piece wedding invitation in the form of an accordion pocket folder and multiple enclosures for Bimal & Natasha, working with their designers Paul Kawai and Chris Braden.

We combined the best of offset and letterpress printing to create a beautiful set of invitations. The clever design included a pocket within the invitation with held the various invitations, announcements and reply cards. The formal side of the invitation pocket folder employs letterpress to accent the core information in the announcement. The poetic side of the outer accordion pocket folder tells the story of the long distance romance - capture and expressed in letterpress, imprinted on full colour offset pages.


Wood Type at

At the shop on Dundas West, has a range of wood type faces generally available for limited production and design. Recently we had the occasion to assemble all of these faces, to take a look and do some sample settings. Out came the camera, so we've posted a little poster that you can download - it's sized for a tablet, or smart phone - so if you want to put some wood in your pocket - go for it!

The faces in this shot include Cooper Black (due for a comeback), multiple sizes of Grots, an Egyptian, a compressed Clarendon, Tuscan Gothic, 510 Gothic (W.Page), and a more geometric sans.

Wood Type at

Download for an iPad here, or an iPhone here.


East-West Portal

'All of a sudden the city is smaller; boundaries are erased.'

Someone is lending a part of our storefront window space to the Forgetus Collective's East-West Portal installation. This interactive project created by Felix Kalmensen & Dan Thornhill is a part of the 2012 Art of the Danforth Festival. The purpose of this installation is to create a digital portal to connect the East & West ends of Toronto, working with a storefront monitor and camera to allow viewers to visually communicate simultaneously with participants at an identical spot in the West End.

Click here for details.


Spring has sprung at Someone

Here’s a look of what we’ve been up to since our last post, business cards for a local designer and a promotional postcard for a country bakery.

business cards from a local designer and a promotional postcard for a country bakery

Someone would like to wish you and your loved ones a Happy Easter. Just a reminder that our shop will be closed until Wednesday April 11 at 2:00pm.


A letterpress poster, to promote a letterpress broadsheet

Today, we're printing and postering to promote the Sunday 14 August launch of someone:water two, We Are All Bodies of Water, by Astrida Neimanis with editor Beatriz Hausner. This exercise is also referred to as "a fun afternoon" by the crew at We hope to see you on Sunday from 4-9 at the Naco Gallery Cafe.

NACO WATER, Letterpress poster

This letterpress poster features some of our hand-set wood type, and some pretty fantastic 48pt City Medium. Click the read-more, for a making-of photo...


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