Water Series
A new series of broadsides bringing together authors, illustrators and designers focused on the theme of Water. Creative director, Deborah Barnett and editor, Beatriz Hausner are developing the series, with the initial broadside featuring A.F Moritz' "The Shore" alongside an illustrtion by Susana Wald and Deborah Barnett.
Third in the someone:water series, someone.ca presents 'The Metaphysics of Water', by Beatriz Hausner, a limited edition fine print broadside;illustrated by Seth Scriver
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Second in the someone:water series, someone.ca and editor Beatriz Hausner present 'We Are All Bodies of Water', by Astrida Neimanis, a limited edition broadside;'a combustive comingling of different bodies, meaning and matter.’
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For Nuit Blanche 2009, Someone produced a broadside edition of 'The Shore', by Griffin Prize winner A.F. Moritz. Printed in two colours, with an illustration by Susana Wald and Deborah Barnett.
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Framed prints now available! For Nuit Blanche 2009, Someone produced a broadside edition of 'The Shore', by Griffin Prize winner A.F. Moritz. Printed in two colours, with an illustration by Susana Wald and Deborah Barnett.
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We Are All Bodies of Water
Second in the someone:water series, someone.ca and editor Beatriz Hausner present 'We Are All Bodies of Water', by Astrida Neimanis, a limited edition broadside;'a combustive comingling of different bodies, meaning and matter.’